‘I’m bored’. Every parent has heard this. Find out why doing nothing is a good thing for kids in our latest INSIGHTS article.
On the 20th of June, Greengates School was transformed into a magical world for a stunning show presented by the Drama Club and the school orchestra. This performance was a brilliant showcase of the school's burgeoning performing arts programme, driven by our partnership with Juilliard.
Between the 12th and 19th of June, I attended this year's NAE-UNICEF Summit in Houston with my school friend Dahin, an event that brought together over 100 students from all over the world!
‘I’m bored’. Every parent has heard this. Find out why doing nothing is a good thing for kids in our latest INSIGHTS article.
On the 20th of June, Greengates School was transformed into a magical world for a stunning show presented by the Drama Club and the school orchestra. This performance was a brilliant showcase of the school's burgeoning performing arts programme, driven by our partnership with Juilliard.
Between the 12th and 19th of June, I attended this year's NAE-UNICEF Summit in Houston with my school friend Dahin, an event that brought together over 100 students from all over the world!
On Thursday, the 25th of January, Greengates School witnessed a burst of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit as Year 12 students took the spotlight at the 2024 Entrepreneurship Fair. The event served as a practical application of their business, marketing, and entrepreneurship skills and showcased their classroom learning.
We are thrilled to introduce you to the heart of our commitment to diversity and inclusion, the English Support Centre. In Secondary, English Support proudly hosts students from eight different countries, each bringing their unique languages and backgrounds to our vibrant community. The English Support Centre plays a pivotal role in ensuring that these students seamlessly integrate into our full curriculum.
Nord Anglia Education introduced its groundbreaking digital publication, INSIGHTS. This refreshing take on the future of education promises a comprehensive exploration of global education trends and challenges.