As curriculum leaders, we are enthusiastic about participating in the ongoing growth and advantages of being part of the Nord Anglia Family. Our hope is for each and every one of our students to thrive and succeed, both academically and in their extracurricular pursuits.
Last month, during workshops with Inderjit Dehal, Director of Quality and Professional Development at Nord Anglia Education, the heads of school, deputies, team coordinators and heads of departments further developed the Greengates Definition of Learning. We think this clearly conveys our aspirations for all students:
Greengates enables learners to acquire and apply knowledge, skills and understanding to reach their full potential in order to make positive contributions to their communities and the world.
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The role of assessment is crucial from Nursery to Year 13 to provide students, parents and teachers with the information they need to make informed decisions about learning. Across the schools, this is done in a way that is formative and productive, we all understand that learning is a journey thatstudents undertake at different speeds. By providing clear objectives and targets for their future learning, and success, teacher feedback to students is always focused on supporting our students to have a growth mindset and learn from their mistakes. |
This year we are very excited at the opportunity to extend the range of school trips that we will be running. In Secondary, we are adding the NAE Expedition to Tanzania to our Year 12 programme, and the Switzerland hiking trip to Year 10. These are in addition to the Global Games competitions for Years 7 to 9. In Primary, students from Y3 to Y6 will have residential trips to a variety of sites within the Mexican Republic. As part of the wellbeing program and social purpose we will be inviting a variety of speakers to share expertise. On top of this we will be running day trips linked to curriculum areas. | ![]() |
Robert Fulghum once said, all I need to know, I learned in kindergarten. We agree that some of these things are crucial such as: play fair; put things back where you found them; clean up your own mess; don't take things that aren't yours; say you're sorry when you hurt somebody; wash your hands before you eat…
However, of course we know that learning can and should be a lifelong endeavour and we are totally invested in everything that helps to achieve a whole school, all-encompassing education that will enable our students to reach their full potential.